Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My favourite team.

In my pervious article talking about Leeds United, I haven't metioned that my friends point of view. Some of them think that Leeds United has already relegated to the Championship continue competition, she was no longer stay in the Premiership. They don't understand why I still support this team. Meanwhile I bit the football shirts form ebay from the UK. I have about 7 to 8 leeds united football shirts.

By the way, I hope that LUFC would have better result and promote to Premiership in the coming season.



列斯聯 Leeds United FC - 現在是英冠聯賽排第四,領隊Kevin Blackwell希望可以使球隊可以升上第二位,不用打附加賽而重回英超聯.不過列斯在近幾場的作客賽事中不斷失分,本來與排第二位的鍚菲聯只差9分,還少打一埸.可惜近幾場作客都不斷和波.現在已跌到第四,雖然少打一埸,但依然比屈福特少一分.


自己家安裝了now broadband TV,今年終於再有機會睇列斯聯的比賽.雖然足總杯已經輸了給韋根出局,至少可以現場直播列斯聯的比賽.說實話,看完盧頓vs利物浦之後,覺得盧頓更應該升上英超.


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